
The Witcher 3 vagina controversy has been resolved

Earlier in the week, controversy arose from the next gen update for The Witcher 3, which seemingly put in ultra-realistic vaginas for the Crookback Bog crones, as well as other female character models, regardless of the original game presenting genitals as plain and doll-like. Talking with Kotaku, developer CD Projekt Red confirmed the surprise inclusions were ‘unintended’ and would be taken off the sport shortly. Now, the developer has also confirmed how the slip-up occurred.

Once again speaking to Kotaku, CD Projekt Red explained it had engaged several mod creators to assist in the development of The Witcher 3‘s next gen update. By adding popular mods to the game, the studio hoped to create a more refined world that included fan-requested features and improvements. Unfortunately, it seems the creator of 1 mod – HD Monsters Reworked (HDMR) – included an uncredited surprise within their work: stolen vaginas.

‘In 2023, at the time of filling out the copyright transfer agreement, the HDMR mod author confirmed to CDPR that they were the sole author of the mod under consideration,’ a CD Projekt Red spokesperson told Kotaku. ‘The HDMR mod author granted CD PROJEKT RED rights to use the mod and was credited & compensated for their work.’

Unknown to CD Projekt Red was that HD Monsters Reworked had pinched some textures and modifications directly from another mod – ‘Vaginas for everybody.’ This mod was used without permission, based on a Kotaku interview using the original creator.

‘The author [of HD Monsters Reworked] apparently … used my mod textures for his/her own mod, but also never mentioned it nor gave credits to me around the 'HD Monsters Reworked' mod description page,’ the creator said. When they had seemingly received an inbox request in the creator, it was never answered – and also the project went ahead anyway.

When CD Projekt Red engaged the creator of HD Monsters Reworked for The Witcher 3‘s new gen update, there was no evidence the explicit textures were included, nor that they were seemingly obtained from another creator. Consequently, they finished up within the next-gen update, readily available for everyone.

That won’t last for long, however. CD Projekt Red has now reiterated its decision to excise the unintended vaginas from the game, with an incoming patch.

‘Removing these components isn't should have been a statement against nudity or mature themes, but rather an attempt to maintain visual coherence across all character models – including these textures hanging around was not something we planned from the beginning,’ it told Kotaku.

An exact release date has not been announced – but keep an eye out later on. Unless you curently have the Vaginas for everybody mod installed, expect a ‘Safe For Work’ cleanse within the coming days.

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