
The Super Mario Bros. Movie clip reveals Cat Mario, Seth Rogen

A brand new clip for The Mario Bros. Movie continues to be released, revealing a cameo appearance from Mario’s iconic Cat Suit, in addition to Seth Rogen’s Donkey Kong voice. While the clip is just short, it does make sure Mario’s more modern power-ups will play a key part within the film’s action, also it extends the brutal showdown between Mario and Donkey Kong.

Much similar to their original face-off (Donkey Kong, 1981) it seems Mario and Donkey Kong is going to be rivals in this adventure. They’ll no longer be fighting for the hand of Pauline, but there does seem to be lots of heat between them, regardless.

In the clip, Mario attempts to fight Donkey Kong with what seems to be a colosseum filled with power-ups and coin bricks. It’s not clear what Mario did to bother Donkey Kong, but he’s certainly being punished, with his fight being observed by a whole kingdom of monkeys.

After being unsuccessful with a first attack, Mario leaps in to the clouds to grab a power-up box, which yields the Cat Suit. This power-up first debuted in Super Mario 3D World (2013) and allows Mario to climb up surfaces, and use claw attacks against enemies.

As the brand new clip from The Super Mario Bros. Movie shows, it also makes him extremely adorable:

Notably, the Illumination YouTube account has filed this clip as ‘Smash’ – a definite reference to the Super Smash Bros. series, which throws various Nintendo characters together in intense battles. Happens depicted in the film is basically inspired by the original Donkey Kong arcade game – red steel girders and all – however the side-on fighting style here is very Smash-like.

It indicates Mario includes a major fight in route, with low odds of survival.

While his opponent, Donkey Kong, doesn’t appear to be as serious as he’s depicted in the first video game appearance – the look of Cat Mario spawns plenty of laughter – it’s clear he’s a formidable fighter, with lots of strength up his sleeve.

Donkey Kong saying ‘now you die’ is definitely an ominous way to end the clip, but it’s fair to say that Mario will survive to fight another day, even if Donkey Kong gives him a mound of trouble on the way there.

The Mario Bros. Movie is visiting cinemas on 5 April 2023 in Australia, and 7 April 2023 in america.

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