
Samsung Galaxy S22+ Phone Review – A Great Default

The screen is the the very first thing hits you with this particular phone. It’s bright, vivid and fast. It’s a 6.6 inch 1080p AMOLED having a 120Hz refresh rate which makes scrolling loaded feeds look smoother than on standard screens and text and images simpler to see clearly while scrolling. Automatically the screen is a bit too vivid in my tastes, like a TV in a shop that’s got all it’s colours resulted in to max – but thankfully you can switch it to some ‘Natural’ colour profile in settings. An element that nearly feels silly to mention but constitutes a world of difference is that the screen around the S22+ is completely flat. Your content is all visible, no awkward reflections or content flowing over the edge, and you won’t have to spend absurd comes down to get decent screen protectors. It’s coming back to normalcy that I’m glad Samsung chose to make.

The S22+ is a big phone, but it’s design makes it as simple to hold when i might imagine for any phone of this size. The lcd means you’re not worrying about false touches while trying to hold it and also the subtly curved side-rails alllow for a telephone that nestles comfortably into the hand. It’s rather fetching in looks as well. The camera bump is integrated into along side it rail in a way that appears like it’s properly area of the phone instead of kinda bolted on such as the cameras of many other flagships.

That camera takes fairly fantastic photos. Utilizing a technique Samsung calls Adaptive Pixel it takes adjacent pixels from the 50 megapixel sensor and combines them in to one – letting all these combined pixels take in more light if needed to obtain a brighter, more pleasing and more detailed 12MP picture. You are able to take full 50MP photos if you want to, however this can lead to worse performance in lower light and far, much larger files. All of this happens when using the middle ‘Wide’ camera, there's also a 12MP Ultrawide camera for when you need to capture much more of a scene, along with a 10MP 3x Telephoto lens when ever you just can’t get close enough to some subject and need to zoom in.

Each of the lenses is capable of the night time Mode photography feature, and I found this resulted in pleasing low-light shots so long as the topic was relatively still. Shots in the 10MP selfie camera on the front are crisp and detailed too, once you turn off the default smoothing filters. The video camera can record in 4K at 60 frames per second, as well as a wild 8K at 24 fps. There does appear to be a bit of shutter lag that is unfortunate. It’s tiny, but can make it feel like you’re missing a go even though you tapped the shutter at the right time.

The heart behind all this screen and camera is more than powerful enough to keep things moving at a good pace. Irrrve never noticed the phone missing frames, navigation was silky smooth. Playing games like Legends of Runeterra or Need for Speed No Limits never appeared to stress the telephone out. With this high performance chip I had been worried battery life might take a hit, but I found it capable of getting through a day's my very heavy usage pattern of constant music streaming over mobile to bluetooth, some occasional gaming and scrolling social feeds, and never hit the 20% mark until I’d had about 4-5 hours of screen time. I found it lasts an additional couple of hours compared to my year-old iPhone 12 Pro, which isn't entirely surprising given just how much bigger it is but a useful reference point nonetheless.

You can find the Samsung Galaxy S22+ on Amazon with free delivery, or check out the full Samsung Galaxy S22 range at the Samsung Store.

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