
Report: Sony, Nintendo, Xbox to skip E3 2023

Despite new organiser ReedPop announcing grand plans for E3 2023, the dream of a rebooted and refreshed show that captures the event’s glory days may be over. According to reliable sources speaking to IGN, Xbox, Nintendo, and PlayStation have already confirmed they're not going to be attending the show in almost any official capacity.

Given E3 2023 was previously synonymous with big game announcements, and these are generally expected each year, it comes down like a massive blow to organisers and also the hopeful public. While smaller, prestigious publishers like Capcom and Bandai Namco may make in the final exhibitor numbers, the reported lack of reveals from the industry’s three major platform holders will probably turn away those excited for that show.

Xbox’s reported departure is a particular surprise, given Microsoft has consistently supported E3, even when its major rivals diminished their presence at the show. Previously, Microsoft Head of Gaming Phil Spencer claimed the organization would align a new showcase with E3 – however, IGN believes this can 't be part of the official show.

‘Xbox is around the board from the ESA, and i believe a successful and healthy ESA is crucial to what we’re attempting to go do. So we place our showcase, like we also have done, at a time where hopefully it’s convenient for press and even consumers that are going to the E3 event, and that’s what we’re trying to do now,’ Spencer told IGN in mid-January 2023.

‘We will continue to use ESA in terms of their plans. As I said, we’re on the board, and that we need to make sure that we're doing everything we are able to to make the E3 successful.’

Despite this declaration, IGN reports Xbox won't have a booth on the program floor.

Likewise, Nintendo and Sony will continue their absence. Sony originally dropped in 2023, and Nintendo is not part of E3 for quite some time.

A representative from ReedPop didn't discuss the problem when asked by IGN, but shared the next statement meant for the upcoming event:

‘Once we spent much of 2023 refining how E3 2023 would take shape, reflecting on the feedback we solicited, we didn't send a single contract to an exhibitor until the start of this month. We have received a tremendous interest and verbal commitments from most of the biggest companies in the industry, and when we are ready to announce the exhibitors we're confident it will likely be a lineup that will make the visit to Los Angeles well worth it for that industry and consumers alike.’

Update 1/2/23: The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) has addressed IGN’s report, claiming ReedPop is making ‘strong progress’ in reimagining E3 for the modern era – however it has not provided any evidence to point out the report is inaccurate.

‘As you have likely seen, IGN published articles yesterday about E3. When we're unable to discuss the particular claims in the article, we wanted to share our resolve for continuing to move forward with E3,’ the ESA reportedly told its members in a recent memo, per IGN.

‘E3 includes a rich history inside our industry, and we're always heartened to have the passion for the show and listen to what it really way to different people. Reviving a tradeshow following a three-year hiatus along with a global pandemic was going to possess its challenges, and that's why we conducted a comprehensive search (in consultation using the ESA member companies) to recognize the best partner to create E3.’

‘[ReedPop has] made strong progress in reshaping the event and also have received tremendous support from industry companies of all sizes who aren't only thinking about E3 2023, but exactly how E3 suits marketing plans for 2024 and beyond.’

E3 2023 is set to take place on 13-16 June 2023 at the la Convention Center in the United States, and online.

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