Nintendo Switch

Project Triangle Strategy Demo Review

Project Triangle Strategy is a tactical RPG in the HD-2D series of games from Square Enix. The three kingdoms that rule the land were living in peace for the last three decades, till now. War erupts once more, and heroes must make difficult choices and survive brutal battlefields if they are to win the day.

Back in 2023, Square Enix released the turn-based RPG Octopath Traveler for the Nintendo Switch. Probably the most striking component of the sport was its gorgeous visual style. Dubbed “HD-2D,” this pixel art style in a three-dimensional landscape provided the perfect visuals to provide a vintage RPG story. Now, Square Enix is returning to this visual style for an additional release on the Nintendo Switch.

As part of its latest Direct presentation, Nintendo showed off footage from the previously unannounced Project Triangle Strategy (working title). While the visual style of this new RPG is instantly familiar to many, the gameplay and the story are both radical departures from Square Enix’s last entry in its HD-2D series.

During its announcement trailer, Square Enix touted an in-depth narrative for that game filled with player choice, with both storylines and party members based on the way the player resolves key moments in the storyline. And while my demo playthrough cannot completely confirm these claims, it certainly reinforces the chance that there could be lots of substance to this part of the game.

As the demo opens, the main city of Glenbrook has fallen under attack from one of its neighbors. The player’s first task would be to successfully flee the capital using the only remaining free person in the royal family. When the player gets past an initial battle, the party can escape to a nearby stronghold. With enemy forces closing in, the audience must decide whether or not to fight for that prince or relinquish him towards the enemy.

Rather than simply have the player decide yes or no towards the question, the whole party will vote to see what action is taken. Prior to the vote, however, the gamer has the opportunity to gather additional information and try to sway the party for their thought process. With multiple dialogue options to choose from plus some only accessible if the player does their research, how you can win over the minds of the party is really a stressful scenario. What’s more, the sport will not let you know ahead if you succeeded. Rather, it forces the player to await caused by the vote to see what will happen. And when the vote is cast, there isn't any returning.

In Project Triangle Strategy's demo where this excellent system played out, I found it completely enthralling. Being unsure of whether I'd were able to convince my party members in order to save the prince was exciting. And the fact that I didn’t have the final say in the matter was an unexpected experience. I’ve never witnessed a game before where plot decisions were not wholly of my choosing. The truth that I could find myself forced down a path not completely of my making is exciting, especially since the products that you use also determine what party members join you.

Once the vote had been cast, I got the chance to recruit a couple of new members in my group. According to the in-game prompts, this was because of the decisions that were made. This means that in future story decisions, these characters, attracted through the path my group was headed down, will prove to add their voices to future plot points. This might imply that a later plot decision could be swayed with a character I was pleased to get before but might be frustrated with if they swing a vote against me later.

At the core of this game is a deep and complex combat system. Units are deployed to a grided battlefield. So as of initiative, they take turns moving, attacking, and applying various skills. With a plethora of abilities at their disposal, each unit brings numerous choices to the battlefield. But it’s not only the actions themselves that bring complexity to those battles. But also how characters and powers can interact.

Unit positioning in Project Triangle Strategy is crucial. Archer units placed on elevated terrain obtain a bonus for their range, and attacking an opponent that's being between your units will provoke a follow-up attack by the flanking unit. Many magic attacks will not only hit a targeted square, but adjacent squares may also be hit. And while magic adds to the positioning complexities of the combat, it can also communicate with both terrain and other magic types.

Numerous interactions may come from how magic is implemented on the battlefield. A fire attack can melt a wall of ice that blocks a unit’s advance. Enemies which are within the water can be electrocuted with a lightning spell. There is a lot of potential in how these actions and interactions can shape the battlefield. However, whether you will have the option to utilize some of these opportunities is determined by the way you guide your party through Project Triangle Strategy's compelling story.

Between the gorgeous visuals, compelling combat, and intriguing multi pathed storyline, Project Triangle Strategy looks to be an amazing entry within the tactile RPG genre. While how much impact such things as narrative branching may have can’t be fully confirmed yet, what this demo shows certainly builds my expectations up, leaving me eager for the game's 2023 release.

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