
Kao the Kangaroo Review – A Mediocre Blast In the Past

It’s probably a little much to inquire about of a B-grade platformer to possess any type of compelling narrative, but Kao the Kangaroo’s writing is frankly dreadful. Plot points are introduced and dropped without warning or context, and at no reason did Personally i think like I knew exactly what Kao was actually meant to be doing. Dialogue wavers between nonsensical and woefully unfunny, counting on borderline offensive stereotypes and punchlines based on horribly outdated memes. Worse still, inside a world populated by kangaroos, koalas and lots of cheap Australiana there isn’t a single Aussie accent to become heard.

All of the would be easily forgiven if Kao’s platforming was more interesting than its world or story, but gameplay here's unfortunately just like derivative and uninspired. Kao controls well enough and also the game a minimum of tries to produce a point-of-difference with its melee combat that grants its hero a scant few combos along with a finishing move but it’s all certain to tepid level designs with annoyingly missable collectibles and boring puzzles. Kao’s gloves can be powered up with three different elements (fire, ice and wind) that permit him to manipulate different parts of the environment but every single one from the game’s puzzle sequences simply throws the required elemental power-up at you as it’s needed which takes away all challenge.

That’s not saying I never enjoyed the 7-8 hours I spent completing everything that Kao the Kangaroo provides, it’s still a classically-styled collectathon platformer so it’s sure to please very long time fans of the genre even when it does nothing surprising. This is definitely a game title better suited to young children who may want a Crash Bandicoot-inspired experience without a lot challenge and who won’t balk in the middling boss fights and forgettable characters. Each of the 15 levels and 4 hub worlds at least looks nice as well, with lots of striking and lush environments to understand more about. The game’s voice acting and music on the other hand are- decidedly average, therefore i finished up switching them off in lieu of listening to my very own music as i played.

One particular issue, which isn’t an insect but as the game’s developers told me directly is intentional design, is that the game doesn't have option to invert its camera controls. This type of basic feature being omitted with no intends to add it in after the fact is downright bewildering and sure to alienate a whole bunch of players – as an inverter myself I needed to push on with regards to this review however i struggled with the camera throughout my entire playthrough.

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