
PowerWash Simulator announces free Final Fantasy 7 content

PowerWash Simulator was among those bizarre, mundane simulator games that took the planet by storm (or by hose spray?) when it was launched in July 2023. Something about the primal satisfaction of being able to slowly and meticulously clean absolutely filthy locations having a power washer attracted negligence our brains that desired to just take pleasure in… something. Manual labour? Cleanliness? The feeling of power you get when you’re wielding a high-pressure hose? Whatever it had been, it was a success.

Half a year later, it’s become such a hit that other high-profile gaming properties want to be associated with it. PowerWash Simulator has announced that its second piece of free DLC is called ‘Midgar Special Request’, and it is themed after Final Fantasy 7 Remake, the modern interpretation of the iconic Japanese RPG.


『FFVII』とのコラボDLC『ミッドガル特別依頼』では【セブンスヘブン】【ガードスコーピオン】といったおなじみの場所や敵をピカピカに磨くミッションが下されます.配信時期等については今後の情報をお待ちください!#PowerWash #パワーウォッシュ #FF7

— SQEX EXTREME EDGES (@sqex_ee) January 31, 2023

The news was shared around the Square Enix Extreme Edges Twitter account, which is focused on Square’s Japanese publishing arm that looks after the promotion of Western titles for that country. PowerWash Simulator is published by Square Enix Collective, so the collaboration was perhaps more likely than you would’ve assumed, though that doesn’t make it any less bizarre.

The Midgar Special Request DLC might find new scenarios for power washing, and have iconic Final Fantasy 7 places and machines, including Tifa’s Seventh Heaven bar, Cloud’s Hardy-Daytona motorbike, and the giant Guard Scorpion mecha enemy.

A release date for that Final Fantasy 7 content has not been announced just yet, however. The previous free DLC pack for PowerWash Simulator is Tomb Raider-themed, which was announced for any 31 January 2023 release. It'll coincide using the game’s release on PlayStation and Nintendo Switch consoles.

In other Final Fantasy 7 news, the second instalment within the Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy will be titled Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and it is due for release sometime after 2023. Will it feature the PowerWash Simulator protagonist? We can only dream.

PowerWash Simulator is now available on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S, and will also be on 31 January 2023 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch

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